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电话: 86-756-8618508
传真: 86-756-8618655
姓名: Emy Qin
Zhuhai SIMEIKE Machinery&Equipemnt Co.,LTD

  Simeike is one of the leading specialized suppliers in manufacturing machinery equipment for printer consumables in Pacific-Asia; Special for toner cartridges, inkjet cartridges, ribbon, and all of machines for shop filling toner , ink. Because WE KNOW TONER CARTRIDGE and INK CARTRIDGE We are only specialized in machines for re-manufacturers and to supply all finished products such INK cartridges Providing full range of product series. More than one model of machines. Our marketing position,

主要产品/业务: Our main products include Toner filling Machine, auotmatic toner filling machine, conveny line produce auto tonr filling machine, toner casrtridge cleaning machine, industril cleaner, All of tester, vacuum leakage tester, blade grap tester, Ink filling Ma

Zhuhai SIMEIKE Machinery&Equipemnt Co.,LTD / 广东 / 5th floor, Jinda Building, Fuxi Industrial Park () / 电话:86-756-8618508

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